Manhattan Last & Shine - 615 Be My Favorite - Review

by - 6.8.16

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Hey Guys!! Today i am back with another review! This time i am writing about a nailpolish by Manhattan in the color 615 Be My Favorite. You already can see that it's not a dark red or a red with a purple shimmer. No it's a red red. Well for me it is ;)

Let's start before it will be a very long post...

I presented this nailpolish to you in my last haul. Ich thought that the color was very very pretty but i am honest... i hesitated. I personally don't wear red. It will not be right if i would say because it's a vibrant color. Sometimes i wear those colors on my nails. I just don't wear red. Not even rarely. Never. I have (iwthout this one) only one red nailpolish i am pretty sure it was a gift. It's not that i don't like the color...but on my nails...i don't know. Not because it's more noticeable, it's more "irritant" and an "eyecatcher" at once. I think someone will understand. It's just red. You can associate so much with this color. But okay it's not about my feelings about the color...i already see how long i will be.

So the nailpolish promises that ...
  1. it has a intensive color 
  2. it  has a gel-like-shine 
  3. it is longlasting (not long enough tried)
  4. is dries quickly 
The color is very intensive. You can only apply one layer and you are good-to-go. But i always apply two layers on my nails. Who also does this?
Under this nailpolish i applied one by Essie in blanc. One white layer helps to intensify the color. But i think the red nailpolish also works on his own. Also the nailpolish is very watery, i had to "press" it out frequently. 
There is a thick brush, which i generally like because then you can just apply your nailpolish in one streak. But because it is a red there is  a little mess sometimes :D When you get with your nail somewhere *bam* a red dot on your other nailpolishes.  Of course it also can happen with other nailpolishes. I slowly notice that i have something with the color red :D but i bought a red pot for my new plant (Aloe Cosmo). 
The nailpolish has a gel-like-shine, not to confuse with a gel-look. It just shines like one. It is not thick like a gel-look, that's because it is so watery.  But that's is not what they promis so it doesn't matter.
I don't tried it out for so long that i could say if it's longlasting. Actually i don't know how to rate it because after applying the nailpolish i put in a clear one and then a gel-look plumping coat by Essence for a longlasting finish. 
Availalble are 10ml for the price 2,45€ at the drugstore.

All in all i would say that i am not a person who can wear red nailpolish everyday. I think i would wear it on special locations. Because it is a red and has a gel-shine-look it looks very elegant.
If you want a pretty, vibrant red then i recommend this one!


I hope you liked this (quite long) post.

Do you like nailpolishes by Manhattan?
What is your Go-To nailpolish color?

My Go-To nailpolish color is taupe. Very decent and you can wear it like everyday.

We will see us next time!

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5 Kommentare

  1. Wow,I love these colour ♥

  2. Echt eine wundervolle Farbe wie ich finde *__*
    Liebe Grüße ♥

  3. Anonym8/8/16

    Liebe Anna,
    ich finde die Farbe passt super zu deinem Hautton und steht dir echt super! (Vllt trägst du sie ja jetzt doch öfter, wo du schon mal auf den Geschmack gekommen bist ;-) )
    DAs mit dem nur-eine-Schicht-auftragen kenne ich zu gut.. hab auch einen der eigentlich schon nach einer Schicht deckt..aber aus Gewohnheit trägt man dann doch zwei Schichten auf :-D
    Meine Go-To-Nagellackfarbe ist Ballet Slippers von Essie, der trocknet in gefühlten 10 Sekunden und danach hat man so einen super schönen French-Look den man einfach zu allem Tragen kann.
    Taupe finde ich auch sehr schön.. vor allem auf den Augen.

    Liebe Grüße Miri

  4. Die Farbe ist sehr schön.

    Liebe Grüsse



  5. Ich finde die Farbe sehr schön, meiner Meinung nach ist es ein tolles Alltagsrot, was sehr elegant uns klassisch wirkt.
    Also meine Lieblingsfarbe auf den Näglen ist gelb! Da kriege ich sofort gute Laune :)

    Liebe Grüße ❤
